A program for Nokia smartphones, you can listen to Internet radio. User by entering the address of the Internet radio can listen via a mobile phone headset. The program provides opportunities for station search by name, gender, country or language. You will see the most popular chart tracks and stations will be able to choose the station corresponding to the speed of the connection. Ocnovnye possibilities: "Means for ydobnaya poicka ctantsy zhanry firmware, yazyky, ctrane or popularity," avtomatichecky Vybor ckorocti potokovogo vocproizvedeniya From the second connection icpolzyemogo protokola, "podderzhka coedineny GPRS, EDGE, 3G, HSDPA, Wi-Fi," the best radio station co vcego world cpetsialno otobrannye kompaniey Nokia;. "the ability to add stations manually or compatible with smartphones based on Symbian ^ 3.